Styx and Stones Trip

Friday April 3 to Monday April 6 2015

Trip leaders, Tony Clark and Faye Goodman                                                                            Also on the trip were:  Deirdre Mudge, Bev Fort, Jo Love,  Narrelle and Maria, Scott Horne, Jacky Cobbold, Trevor Banks, Glenn and Clarissa, Matt, Carole, Daniel and Lucy, Young George Cook (who was also known as Juicy George, the reason for this will be revealed later!)

The trip started on Good Friday, 9.30am in Gloucester Carpark, we were joined by Jo Love who has recently rejoined the club.

Tony gave a brief run-down of what we were going to do over the next four days.  Once we hit dirt we aired down and headed to Blue Knob lookout, unfortunately due to the bad weather there was no view at the lookout just lots of mist and imagination.

We drove along Birrwal Reserve which took us up along some high tracks, but the fog struck again, Tony assures us that the views on a good day are spectacular. We drove some more tracks in the afternoon and made for Mount Seaview Campsite owned by Trish and Ray.


They kindly fitted us all in, and once everyone had set up camp we sat around the camp fire where the drinks and conversation flowed about the day. After a wet night, we met under the shelter to discuss the days plans. Unfortunately Narrelle and Maria decided to go home as their bedding became wet and they were unable to get it dry.

We set off at 9am and headed off to Ginger’s Creek café for coffee and fuel. Once fuelled up we set off, all was well until we came across a tree blocking our way, this was removed by the ranger who happened to come along at the same time (poor Tony didn’t chance to use his new chainsaw).


Lunch was taken at Moorback Rest Area

Young George become the focus of the leaches who seemed strangely attracted to him (maybe it was his aftershave), he earnt a new nickname of Juicy George.

After lunch we tried to do some low range 4 wheel driving, however due to the very wet weather the tracks were like driving on glass, Tony and Faye, Glenn and Clarissa, Dee and Young George did try and give it a go but unfortunately the track was deemed too risky to chance. We detoured around to find a safer route.


When we stopped to re-group we noticed that Dee had a flat tyre, so a few people in the group got her back on the road. During the afternoon we drove through Faye’s favourite part of the trip the Arctic Beach Forest which while driving through the mist made the scenery look very prehistoric and was compared to the Jurassic Park film. At one point we were driving along a narrow track and saw a sign for falling rocks, they weren’t joking, far from seeing a few rocks as we drove past, there were huge bolders forcing us over to the far side of the track. It reminded us of the ad for the Nissan Navara when they dodge the falling rocks and end up with a huge boulder in the back of the ute.

We then made for George’s Junction our camp for the night. During the night the Easter Bunny paid us a visit. We also had some larger visitors who wandered through the camp in the early hours of the morning, Glenn  found himself shooing out two cows who wandered through the campsite knocking down our awning and another helping itself to the dips and nibbles on the snack table.

We left camp at 8am on a drive which took us 1,500m high, the mist had cleared and there were beautiful views. Lunch was at Rocks Crossing, followed by an unplanned detour to Ebor Falls, due to the fact that Scott needed fuel. We then drove on to Apsley Falls where we stayed for our final night.

Jacky had a panic attack when she thought she might be running out of tea bags and wouldn’t be able to have her large quota of caffine to keep her going during the day.


Monday was a wonderful drive which finished up at Bulliac Rural Fire Service where we aired up to go home.

This was a great trip and Lucy my youngest thoroughly enjoyed learning to light camp fires thanks to Bev expert guidance. Lucy also wants to be tailend Charlie next time when she realized that one of the jobs is to close all the open gates and get sweeties every time. Bev I think you might have competition.  Clarissa made great use of the fire and made some wonderful chocolate and raspberry brownies they were warm and gorgeous.

Thanks Tony and Faye for organising a wonderful trip

Carole, Matt, Dan and Lucy Corp